Expand Your Coverage Area with Hauling Buddies Listening Stations
Don't miss out on valuable transport opportunities! Use Listening Stations to extend your coverage area and grow your business.
Create Customized Listening Stations
With Hauling Buddies, you have the ability to create customized Listening Stations for specific areas or routes. This means you can stay informed about transport opportunities that align with your business's needs. Whether you're looking for transport opportunities on the East Coast, Midwest, or West Coast, you can set up a Listening Station for that specific area and we'll notify you when there is a match.
“Hauling Buddies has been a lifesaver for our business. The Listening Stations have allowed us to expand our reach and find new transport opportunities. We've seen a significant increase in revenue and we're grateful for the platform. If you're an animal transport company, I highly recommend signing up with Hauling Buddies.”

Stay Ahead of the Competition
With Hauling Buddies Listening Stations, you'll be the first to know about new transport opportunities. Our matching system will notify you as soon as there is a match in your coverage area. This means you can quickly respond to the opportunity and increase your chances of getting the job. Stay ahead of the competition and grow your business with Hauling Buddies.

Listening Stations
Stay informed about new transport opportunities
Our platform is designed to make it easy for shippers to find and compare the best companies for their specific needs.
One of the key features of our platform is our Listening Stations. These stations allow animal transport companies to extend their coverage area and stay informed about new transport opportunities.
- Create a Listening Station for a specific area or route
- Be notified by our matching system when there is a transport opportunity in your area or route
- Expand your reach and increase your chances of finding new transport opportunities
By using Listening Stations, you can expand your reach and increase your chances of finding new transport opportunities. This can help your business grow and increase your revenue.
Don't miss out on valuable transport opportunities. Sign up with Hauling Buddies today and start using our Listening Stations to extend your coverage area. With our platform, you'll have access to a wide range of tools and features to help you find and book new transport jobs. Sign up now and take your business to the next level.